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Hardon Cock Bulging In Blue Jeans Pen & Ink Drawing #164C

Pen & ink drawing of a man holding a hardon cock in his blue jeans. Throbbing penis bulging in his tight pants.

This post is about the gay pen & ink figure drawing titled: Hardon Cock Bulging In Blue Jeans.

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The theme of the post is the penis.

Hardon Cock Delineated

The pen & ink drawing of this hot young man holding down the bulge in his blue jeans started as a sketch. The first lines of the drawing can be seen if you look up at the drawing. The pen & ink contour lines came in after I finished the pencil outlines. I start to drawing the contour lines slowly because I did not want to lose the alignment of the figure. As I kep tdrawing the hardon cock figure I started to add more contour lines because they are less important.

Finally, when I have completed the outline I started to use hatch lines for shade and shadows. It is important to know that contour lines are meant for outlines of an image and not sculpting them. Sculpting images in two dimensional drawings is the task of hatch lines that are appropriate for this hardon cock rendering. Also, the contour line cannot be so dark that they stand out because all line work has to compliment each other. Thick lines can be very damaging to a fine line drawing like this erect penis rendering.

Erect Penis Hatched

The erect penis drawing require great skill because I do not have a face or torso to work with. I have to keep all of the interest in the drawing on the hardon in the pants. The image of the penis bulging in the jeans had to be rendered carefully because the shaft of the hard cock is light. When you look at the drawing you can see that the darkest spot is just under the hard penis because of the many hatch lines making shadows. This erect penis drawing has dark areas at the top of the pants and in the groin because there is low lighting there.

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Soft Penis Pencil Drawing #163C

Pencil drawing of large penis with big hairy balls that is soft or flaccid. There are large veins all over the shaft of the cock.

This post is about a pencil figure drawing of a large soft penis on a gay man.

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The theme of the post is about the penis.

Soft Penis Delineated

When I started out to draw this penis I make a few quick sketches to get the proportions of the figure of the soft penis drawing. After I had figured out how to draw the soft penis drawing I commenced the use of contour lines. Contour lines are the foundation of good drawings because they offeer form. When any artist draws a portrait or landscape they use contour lines to finish the rendering. The soft penis drawing that I started is done in accordance with good artistic practice because I follow drawing protocol. When you look at the drawing above you can see contour lines outlining the large flaccid penis and harry balls. The contour lines are the foundation of the soft penis drawing because they offer form.

Flaccid Cock Hatched

Now look again at the soft penis drawing and you will see small hatch lines everywhere on this large sexy cock. Hatch lines are needed to create for to the figure because that makes the image look more three dimensional. Shade and shadows are what makes a drawing look life like because they offer perspective. I started to draw the hatch line on the flaccid cock rendering at the edge of the contour lines because that is were the shadows appear. The area just below the joining of the shaft of the penis and the balls is the darkest. In this area I used a lot a small hatched lines and then made the contour lines a little thicker. I was careful not to put down too many hatch lines because that would make the penis look too dark and ruin the drawing.

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Penis In Pants Pencil Drawing #162C

Pencil figure drawing of a hardon cock looking down into the underwear of a hot muscular boy with a 6-pack set of abs.

This post is a about a gay pencil figure drawing of penis in pants

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The theme of this post is the penis.

Penis Pants Delineated

I started this drawing as a study in high contrast lighting because I like variated images. The drawing commenced with a quick sketch that outlined the figure of the big cock in the boy’s pants. Penis pants is making sport of a boy’s cock because we enjoy humor and sex. Contour lines are used to make the main features of the figure because they offer full imagery. The contour lines in this rendering are very strong and dark because that makes the drawing interesting to look at. It is important to not make too many contour lines because they make the figure look flat. Contour lines essentially are linear and make a frame aroud the figures because they are vector elements. To get a full body look to the figures I use hatch lines because they offer shade and shadows to penis pants.

Cock Shorts Hatched

Hatch lines are a series of short pen or pencil strokes to make a pattern in the drawing because they are small. Penis in pants makes good use of hatch lines to give form to the big cock and the boy’s fit body. Sex is the driving force behind this drawing because people like it. The hatch lines act like bitmap patters because they make shade and shadows gradually. There is a mesh like texture that hatch lines offer because they are small fine lines. I make sure not to do too many hatch lines because they will darking the figure of the penis and ruin the drawing. The penis is surrounded by darkness which makes the drawing a success because it makes the cock stand out. The entire interior of the pants section of the drawing is done with hatch lines.

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Hard-on Penis Pencil Drawing #161C

Pencil figure drawing of a hardon cock sticking straight up in the air with large veins on its thick shaft and big hairy balls.

This post is about a gay pencil drawing of a hard-on cock.

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The theme of this post is the penis.

Hard-On Cock Delineated

The wonderful drawing of a large penis gives me great pleasure to present to eveyone on the Internet. I have been a cock lover all of my life and I am still going strong. When I first started this drawing I used a light leaded pencil and did an outline sketch. After I finished the sketch I started drawing with contour lines. The beauty and majesty of this hard-on cock captivated me because penises are wonderful to look at.

In this drawing the penis is firmly erect and has a bit of an agle to it because it is positioned to play. The crown of the head of the penis is large and waiting for a hungry mouth and tongue to come and satisfy it. I drew the shaft and perimiter with contour lines. You can see from looking at the drawing that there are bold contour line all around this gorgeous cock.

The bold contour lines compliment this giant cock that is a joy to behold. Every gay man and boy would take great delight to get their mouth on it. Every gay man would love to get this cock up his ass for a long hard fucking. The shading of the shaft of the penis is along the left side of the shaft near the body hair . There are many ridges of skill on the shaft of the cock that I have taken the time to draw out carefully. The hair at the base of the shaft makes a wonderful support to the towering image of this giant penis.

Hatched Lines Of An Erection

The contour lines make the form of the penis but the shade and shadows were done with the aid of hatched lines. Hatch lines are small closely aligned strokes that form a cluster or patter, similar to a pitmap. I used a lot of hatch lines to make the shading that goes around the penis to the lightest point on the right side. I usually start drawing hatch lines from the edge of the contour lines and work my way up to the lightest part of the skin.

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Penis Chopping Block Pencil Drawing #160C

Pencil drawing of a penis on a live gay man being cut into small pieces on a chopping block with a large sharp knife.

This post is about the pencil figure drawing called penis chopping block.

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The theme of this post is gay BDSM art.

Penis Chopping Block Delineated

I started this drawing with a light pencil sketch. After the preliminary sketch I commenced using the contour line to create the rendering. Contour lines are best for making the outline of the figure because they make the form of the image. I make sure that I do not make all of the contour lines too bold because they will flatten the appearance of the image. Contour lines tend to make a figure look two dimensional. It is important to balance the line weight with the tone of the figures.

When you look at the drawing above you can see the strong contour line on the knife and the hand holding it. The darkest and most bold areas are the spaces under the hand and balls. When I finished the contour lines I started using hatched lines because they are needed to make shade and shadows. The bottom of the knife blade and the sides of the chopping block have vertical hatch lines. The legs and balls are also shaded with hatched lines.

The best way to get things done is to work both the contour lines and the hatch lines together. They were developed to compliment each other not compete with each other. The softer tones on the penis were done by gentle rubbing of the pencil on the surface of the peper. The line work all over the drawing was done quickly and this can be seen by the curve movement at the end of each line. Most of the drama in the drawing takes place on the penis because this is where the action is.