This post is about the gay pen & ink figure drawing titled: Hardon Cock Bulging In Blue Jeans.
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The theme of the post is the penis.
Hardon Cock Delineated
The pen & ink drawing of this hot young man holding down the bulge in his blue jeans started as a sketch. The first lines of the drawing can be seen if you look up at the drawing. The pen & ink contour lines came in after I finished the pencil outlines. I start to drawing the contour lines slowly because I did not want to lose the alignment of the figure. As I kep tdrawing the hardon cock figure I started to add more contour lines because they are less important.
Finally, when I have completed the outline I started to use hatch lines for shade and shadows. It is important to know that contour lines are meant for outlines of an image and not sculpting them. Sculpting images in two dimensional drawings is the task of hatch lines that are appropriate for this hardon cock rendering. Also, the contour line cannot be so dark that they stand out because all line work has to compliment each other. Thick lines can be very damaging to a fine line drawing like this erect penis rendering.
Erect Penis Hatched
The erect penis drawing require great skill because I do not have a face or torso to work with. I have to keep all of the interest in the drawing on the hardon in the pants. The image of the penis bulging in the jeans had to be rendered carefully because the shaft of the hard cock is light. When you look at the drawing you can see that the darkest spot is just under the hard penis because of the many hatch lines making shadows. This erect penis drawing has dark areas at the top of the pants and in the groin because there is low lighting there.