This post is a about a gay pencil figure drawing of penis in pants
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The theme of this post is the penis.
Penis Pants Delineated
I started this drawing as a study in high contrast lighting because I like variated images. The drawing commenced with a quick sketch that outlined the figure of the big cock in the boy’s pants. Penis pants is making sport of a boy’s cock because we enjoy humor and sex. Contour lines are used to make the main features of the figure because they offer full imagery. The contour lines in this rendering are very strong and dark because that makes the drawing interesting to look at. It is important to not make too many contour lines because they make the figure look flat. Contour lines essentially are linear and make a frame aroud the figures because they are vector elements. To get a full body look to the figures I use hatch lines because they offer shade and shadows to penis pants.
Cock Shorts Hatched
Hatch lines are a series of short pen or pencil strokes to make a pattern in the drawing because they are small. Penis in pants makes good use of hatch lines to give form to the big cock and the boy’s fit body. Sex is the driving force behind this drawing because people like it. The hatch lines act like bitmap patters because they make shade and shadows gradually. There is a mesh like texture that hatch lines offer because they are small fine lines. I make sure not to do too many hatch lines because they will darking the figure of the penis and ruin the drawing. The penis is surrounded by darkness which makes the drawing a success because it makes the cock stand out. The entire interior of the pants section of the drawing is done with hatch lines.