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Soft Penis Pencil Drawing #163C

Pencil drawing of large penis with big hairy balls that is soft or flaccid. There are large veins all over the shaft of the cock.

This post is about a pencil figure drawing of a large soft penis on a gay man.

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The theme of the post is about the penis.

Soft Penis Delineated

When I started out to draw this penis I make a few quick sketches to get the proportions of the figure of the soft penis drawing. After I had figured out how to draw the soft penis drawing I commenced the use of contour lines. Contour lines are the foundation of good drawings because they offeer form. When any artist draws a portrait or landscape they use contour lines to finish the rendering. The soft penis drawing that I started is done in accordance with good artistic practice because I follow drawing protocol. When you look at the drawing above you can see contour lines outlining the large flaccid penis and harry balls. The contour lines are the foundation of the soft penis drawing because they offer form.

Flaccid Cock Hatched

Now look again at the soft penis drawing and you will see small hatch lines everywhere on this large sexy cock. Hatch lines are needed to create for to the figure because that makes the image look more three dimensional. Shade and shadows are what makes a drawing look life like because they offer perspective. I started to draw the hatch line on the flaccid cock rendering at the edge of the contour lines because that is were the shadows appear. The area just below the joining of the shaft of the penis and the balls is the darkest. In this area I used a lot a small hatched lines and then made the contour lines a little thicker. I was careful not to put down too many hatch lines because that would make the penis look too dark and ruin the drawing.