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Naked Chained Prisoner In A Gay BDSM Orgy Pencil Drawing #171C

Pencil drawing of a hot chained naked prisoner in a prison sell and being used for gay all-male BDSM sex. He is sexy.

This post is about naked chained prisoner in a gay BDSM orgy.

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The theme of this post is gay BDSM restraint.

Naked Chained Prisoner Delineated

I did this drawing out of my head. This chained inmate drawing is a study of high contrast lighting using gay a BDSM theme as a vehicle to display hot men. The scene is in a dark cell block and a hot young man has been stripped naked and chained up. Around him is a group of naked inmates that are feeling his body for gay BDSM sex. One inmate is stroking his cock while another is sticking his cock into the victim’s ass.

This chained inmate drawing started out with contour lines because they delineate the figures. Contour lines are linear so they are meant for boundry lines. When I started to draw this chained inmate rendering I used contour lines just for outline. In looking at the figure of the young man you can see that he is naked. The contour lines completely go around his body forming an outline because they show is figure. The contour line on the young man’s left leg is the darkest because this part of the cell is not lit.

The left side of the inmate drawing is the darkest because there is no light there. The wall behind the group of nude men has a window with bars. This window is an excellent source of light in the drawing because it illuminates the figures.

Chained Inmate Hatched

To capture the tone of the room in this chained inmate drawing I had to use hatched lines because they offer shadows. Shade and shadows are essential to give full body to figure in a drawing. Hatch lines are short stroke of line that form a pattern that creates the shading. I start the hatch lines at the edge of the contour lines and work my way to the light source.