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Gay Jail Rape Of A Hot Young Boy Pencil Drawing #176C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about a gay jail rape of a hot young boy pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is gay male jail rape.

Gay Jail Rape Delineated

This prison fuck drawing was done from out of my head. In this scene we have two figure in action against a dark background of prison cell bars. The tall handsome male behind the boy is the inmate rapits because he is fucking the boy by force. The boy is screaming out of pain and fear because he has no helpers. This prison fuck drawing brings out terror because it is written all over the boy’s face. The inmate rapist has a firm grip on the boy’s head and shoulder because he does not want him to escape.

This prison fuck rendering brings out both fear and lust because sex is in the roots of human nature. We love and need sex to servibe, but we hate it because it brings us down.

This prison fuck drawing was started from a pencil when I was at Hunter’s Gay Bar in Chicago. I did many drawings there while I drank and talked with friends. The lines that make up the composition of this prison fuck drawing are contour lines. Contour lines are needed for drafting the entire compostion and then follow with detailing. Since contour lines are linear they are not utilized for shade and shadows. Shade and shadows are done with hatched lines because they bring out form.

Gay Raped Boy Hatched

When you look at this prison fuck drawing you can see that the right sides of both figures are dark. This is because the light is coming in from their left side. However, the shading on their right side is gradual and not of high contrast. I needed to do a gradual movement of shade from the darkness to the light.

Below are some other prison sex drawings that I have done that show how I work with contour and hatched lines.

Anal Probe In Prison BDSM Pencil Drawing.
Anal Probe In Prison BDSM Pencil Drawing.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.