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Shirtless Man Flexing Muscles Pencil Drawing #190C

Pencil figure drawing of hot shirtless male with him flexing his biceps. He has the physique of a gymnast and a cute face.

This post is about a gay shirtless male flexing muscles pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is: shirtless male.

Shirtless Man Flexing Muscles Delineated

This shirtless male drawing of a hot young man is a delight to share with you on the Internet. I have delineated this young man in a crisp and clear drawing to give a good image of him flexing his muscles.

Being Gay

I am a gay man, and very proud of it, because being gay is my nature. Being a gay man helps me to better convey to the world what the gay community has to offer. This shirtless man flexing muscles rendering is my contribution to the world a bit about life in the gay community.

Artwork Shirtless Male

Since I am an artist I am able to share my love for men with others through my drawings, watercolors, and oils. This shirtless male drawing is a study in high contrast lighting because the shading displays his sexual persona. The rendering was started as a light sketch and when I finished it I commenced with puting down the contour lines.

Contour Lines

Contour lines are the foundation of most drawings because they offer an outline of the figure. These lines can be dark lead strokes or very thin pen & ink demarkations. In looking at this drawing you can ee the countour lines completely outlining his body. His pants are also done with contour lines because you can see the outlines there as well.

Shirtless Male Hatched

To give the figure more of a three dimensional look I make use of hatched lines because they offer shade and shadows. If you want to get a solid look to a figure drawing you have to use hatched lines because they offer depth of field. Contour lines are excellent for making outlines of figures, but fail at making figures look three dimensional.

In looking at the drawing you can see hatch lines bringing out the forms of the young man’s torso in this shirtless male rendering.

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Naked Man Standing With Arms Behind His Back Pen & Ink Drawing #189C

Pen & ink figure drawing of a hot nude male. He has the body of a gymnast, and he is very cute. He has the face of an angel.

This post is about a gay naked man standing with arms behind his back pen & ink drawing.

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The theme of this post is nude men.

Naked Man Delineated

This nude male standing drawing is angelic because the boy looks like angel. The drawing is not a full nude because you can see his loins. However, for all practical purposes it is a torso or “shirtless male” rendering. The young man has an elegant pose that radiates peace and tranquility. There is a quality in his pose that makes me want to keep looking at him because he is so lovely.

I started the drawing with a pencil sketch to get the outline of the figure because this is founational practice. After finishing the skech I commence drawing contour lines with the pen & ink. I am careful with pen & ink because it is not forgiving. Pen & ink does not make thick lines unless you use bamboo or other plunt stylus. Ink lines are fine and precise so I have to draw carefully.

Angel Boy Hatched

I have used contour lines to draw the figure because it gives me the outline of this naked man standing drawing. In looking at this nude male standing drawing you can see that the entire figure is surrounded in contour lines. Contour lines are the foundation of drawing because they contain the full image. If the contour lines are incorrect then you are driving your car with not map because you need an accurate outline.

There are also a lot of hatch lines in this nude male standing drawing because there is a lot of shading on his figure. Hatch lines are different than contour lines because they are short and varied. In looking at the drawing you can see that the pattern formed by the hatch lines have no scheme. Look at his pecs and you can see the shifting of the hatch lines. Hatch lines are meant for shading to give form to the figure in this naked man standing rendering.

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Naked Man Sitting With A Chiseled Torso Pen & Ink Drawing #188C

Pen & ink figure drawing of a hot nude male. He has the physique of a gymnast, and he is very buff and cute.

This post is about a gay naked man sitting with a chiseled torso pen & ink drawing #188C

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The theme of the post is naked men.

Naked Man Sitting Delineated

This nude male sitting drawing shows the beauty of a man in just a few lines of ink because I used contour lines. The young man is very handsome and sitting with his torso turned to his right and his eyes following in that direction. His leg is blocking the view of his penis so in reality this is not a nude drawing but a shirtless male rendering. Then young man is very cute to look at and was a pleasure to draw because of his male beauty.

It wanted to do a drawing that was not complicated or difficult to render because I like simplity. I chose to do a few sketches to figure out the best way to delineate the young man. At first I was going to use lead pencil but later I decided that pen & ink would be best.

Contour lines were used to make this nude male sitting drawing simple. The figure is posed in a simple relaxed manner that was easy to outline. Once I applied the pen & ink everything fell into place because I calculated all of the line work. Contour lines are best for doing outlines and that is why they work so well in this nude male sitting drawing.

Gay Male Hatched

Contour lines are best for doing outlines of figures but hatch lines are needed for shade and shadows. This is because hatched lines offer depth and perspective in nude male sitting art. Hatch lines are small short strokes of the pen in a series to make a pattern. This pattern is infinite because each drawing is infinitely different. This nude male sitting drawing only needed a few hatch lines because I wanted the drawing to be simple.

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Shirtless Male With Large Pecs Pencil Drawing #187C

Pencil figure drawing of a hot shirtless male. He is cute and has the physique of a gymnast. His pecs are large and strong.

This post is about a gay shirtless male with large pecs pencil drawing.

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The theme of the post is about gay shirtless men.

Shirtless Male With Large Pecs Delineated

This gay man drawing shows a wonderful rendering of a hot man with big pecs! He is looking right at you almost inviting you to come to him because he is looking to hookup. He works out because you can see that his muscles are well developed. This gay man drawing shows the fine details of his chest and arms because I have used contour lines to show every part of his body.

Nothing escapes the power of the line because it is pervasive in all of life. We read books and watch movies that have a good “story line”. A line is a line, be it a story line or a delineaion. These lines show the facts and we have to be the interpreters. Contour lines are best for doing outlines but hatched lines are best for making shade and shadows.

Gay Man Hatched

This gay man rendering is all about gay sex and the human male because we love sex. I have done this drawing because he is sexually attractive and I want to share his beauty through art with others. This gay man drawing makes me feel good about myself and about being gay.

Hatched lines are best for making a figure in a drawing look three dimensional because they used shading. You can see all kinds of hatched lines in this rendering. The largest and strongest hatched lines are just behind the head of the young man. The areas that are just behind his ribs and legs are also very dark.

Hatch lines do not have to be dark, but they do have to offer shading. In looking at the young man’s pecs you can see that I have drawn hatched lines right on top of the contour lines. This is successful drawing because I am using both contour line and hatched lines to make a fine gay man rendering.

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Shirtless Cowboy Holding Flask Pencil Drawing #186C

Pencil figure drawing of a hot shirtless cowboy. He is very sexy and has the physique of a gymnast.

This post is about a gay shirtless cowboy holding a flask pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is shirtless cowboys.

Shirtless Cowboy Holding Flack Delineated

This gay rancher is rugged looking and very sexy because he has a weight lifter’s physique. The image of this gay rancher is lovely to behold because he exudes his sexual persona. As a gay man I love to look at a hot man’s chest and see those fine, smooth pecs and nipples. His pecs are a mouth full and any gay man would take great delinght in getting into bed with him. Adding to the sex appeal of his pecs, he has a hot torso with chiseled 6-pack abs which shows that he works out.

I have done the outline of his body with contour lines because they reveal his form. All around his figure you can see the bold contour lines detailing his physique in this gay rancher drawing. His left side is in the shade so it is darker because of all the lines that had to be placed there. His face is hidden under the shadows of his hat because the sunlight rays are strong there. In this shirtless cowboy holding flask rendering you can still see his eyes and nose. This gives you a good impression of what he looks like.

Physique Hatched

To make the figure really stand out I have used a lot of hatch lines because they offer depthe of field. Contour lines are good for outlines but they tend to make the figure flat. Having hatch lines in the shaded area makes the figure look more three dimensional. If you look at his pecs you can see that I have drawn hatch line right over the contour line that form the cup of his pecs.

Below are drawings that I have done with the same theme.

Shirtless Cowboy With Straps Pencil Drawing #185B
Shirtless Cowboy With Straps Pencil Drawing #185B
Shirtless gay cowboy with 10-gallon hat pencil drawing #184.
Shirtless gay cowboy with 10-gallon hat pencil drawing #184.
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Shirtless Cowboy Holding Straps Pencil Drawing #185C

Pencil figure drawing of a hot shirtless cowboy. He has a muscular body with a 6-pack set of abs and firm pecs.

This post is about a gay shirtless cowboy holding straps pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is gay cowboys.

Shirtless Cowboy Holding Straps Delineated

This gay rancher drawing shows a sexy shirtless cowboy walking in the sun bearing harnes straps over his shoulder. He is seen walking barechested out in the sun wearing the famous 10-gallon hat. The hot western sun is pouring down over his shoulders in this gay rancher drawing because he is outside.

The cowboy is an iconic gay symbol for rugged sexual flair because his physique is sexy. I started the drawing of this hot cowboy with a quick sketch and after that was finished I used contour lines to outline his figure. Contour lines are dark lines that give out the main figure in a drawing because that is the central figure in the rendering. In this gay rancher drawing you can see that this cowboy has contour lines all over his body because they are linear. The lines from hisneck to his fingers give out a clear image of what his physique looks like.

On his left side he is holding harness straps over his shoulder which are detailed with contour lines. In looking at the drawing you can see an image of the straps on his ribs because they are drawn as shadows. There is a handkerchief sticking out of his back pants pocket on his left side. All of these details are rendered with contour lines. The shades and shadows are done with hatch lines for this gay rancher drawing.

Shirtless Cowboy Holding Straps Hatched

Hatch lines are needed to make shade and shadows in a drawing because they make the figure look three dimensional. In looking at the drawing you can see fine hatch lines all over his body because they have his figure proportioned. His neck has light hatch lines just under the rim of his hat and down to his chest because the sun is bright there. The hatch lines on his face and left shoulder are dark because there is no sunlight there.

Below are drawing that I have done with the same theme.

Shirtless gay cowboy with 10-gallon hat pencil drawing #184.
Shirtless gay cowboy with 10-gallon hat pencil drawing #184.
Pen & ink drawing of a gay shirtless cowboy hold on to his hat.
Pen & ink drawing of a gay shirtless cowboy hold on to his hat.
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Shirtless Cowboy With Chiseled Torso And Pecs Pencil Drawing #184C

Pencil figure drawing of a very sexy and hot shirtless cowboy. He is very cute and has the physique of a gymnast.

This post is about a gay shirtless cowboy wearing hat with chiseled torso and pecs pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is gay cowboys.

Shirtless Cowboy Wearing Hat Delineated

This gay rancher drawing is a pleasure to present as I have worked a long time to secure his sexy image. The most important part of this drawing is his face because he is handsome. His body is a glory to behold, but his face is the jewel in the crown. Putting all of his features together is what makes him a truly beautiful man. This gay rancher is lovely in every way. I have made use of contour lines to capture his rugged body and fine chest.

Contour lines are used to outline a figure or subject to get a full view of it’s place in the drawing. I started the drawing and then continued to the neck and head because they are topped by his hat. The hat looks good on this gay rancher because it’s proportions are correct to the size of his face. Many cowboys wear hats that are too large because they want to show off. This man does not need a hat to show off with because his beautiful body is the greatest show!

I am careful not to use to many contour lines because they can make the drawing look wired and difficult to understand. The chin and nose are just right because there are exactly enough contour lines there for that spot. To make the shade and shadows I used hatch lines.

Chiseled Torso Hatched

This gay rancher has a magnificent torso to hold his glorious head because it is full and muscular. I have used hatched lines for the shading under his arm pits to accent his pecs. The shading under his hat and chin are also done with hatch lines. Hatch lines are needed to make shade and shadows because they make the figure three dimensional.

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Portrait of Two Handsome Gay Men Gently Resting Faces on Each Other Pencil Drawing #182C

Pencil portrait drawing of two hot men preparing to kiss. They are very rugged looking and handsome men.

This post is about gay men resting faces on each other pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is male to male love.

Gay Men Faces Delineated

This facial embrace drawing is one of my favorites and I will always treasure it. The scene of the drawing is based on a gay film that I was watching on my computer because I am gay. The main scene of the film was when the two men finally knew that they loved each other and then embraced. This facial embrace drawing is based on that moment because it was a beautiful scene.

This facial embrace drawing started out with contour lines. If you look at the nose of the man on the left, you can see the outline because it is solid and dark. When you look to the left of his nose the surface gets lighter immediately because the light is coming from the right. Looking across the cheek and to his beard there are many hatch lines because they shade the surface. Contour lines are excellent for making the outline of a figure, like the nose that I just mentioned in this facial embrace drawing. Hatch lines are meant to fill the surface with shade and shadows because it adds dimension to the figures of this facial embrace drawing.

Facial Embrace Hatched

In looking at the beards of the men you can see that they are all hatched lines because they are small. The hatch lines work as a set of patterns in the facial embrace rendering. I never keep on drawing a hatch line to the end of a figure because that is what a contour line does. All the hatch lines need to be small because they will make the drawing too confusing otherwise. I never use too many hatch lines because it will make the drawing too dark and ruin the rendering.

Two Boys Kissing Color Pen & Ink Figure Drawing with Dirty Gay Sex Stories #271B.
Two Boys Kissing Color Pen & Ink Figure Drawing with Dirty Gay Sex Stories #271B with Dirty Gay Sex Stories #271B.
Janis Danner Shirtless Male With Muscular Torso Pen & Ink Figure Drawing And Prints #229B
Janis Danner Shirtless Male with Muscular Torso Pen & Ink Figure Drawing and Prints #229B
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Hot Gay Boy Kept In Bondage BDSM Pencil Drawing #180C

Pencil figure drawing of a hot nude male chained to a dungeon wall to be used for BDSM gay male sex.

This post is about a hot gay boy kept in bondage BDSM pencil drawing #180C.

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The theme of this post is gay BDSM slave boys.

Boy Kept In Bondage Delineated

This captive boy drawing was done while I was sitting at Hunter’s gay bar in Chicago. The scene is set in a dungeon or cellar because the boy is pinned to a wall. His head is bent downward and he is looking down because you cannot see his eyes. The young man has a very large penis that has a hardon which sets the tone for this captive boy drawing. The right side of the drawing is dark and gradually becomes lighter as we move to the left side.

The young man in this captive boy drawing is very handsome and has a hard body with muscular torso, and chiseled 6-pack abs with firm pecs. There is no doubt that his boy is sexy because he works out.

This drawing was started with contour lines because they give you the outline. In looking at the drawing you can see the bold contour lines along his right side. The side of his head as well as the lines on his torso were all done with contour lines. His large throbbing cock has a heavy, bold contour line because I wanted to focus attendion on gay sex. The shade and shadows were made with hatched lines because they offer prespective to this captive boy rendering.

Slave Boy Hatched

This captive boy drawing has a lot of darkness in it because the scene takes place in a hidden site. In looking at the drawing you can see that all along his torso and on his left side are many hatched lines. Hatch lines are small quick strokes that give shading. The right side of this captive boy drawing has to have a lot of hatched lines because it is so dark.

Below are drawings that I have done that have the same theme.

Pencil drawing of a hot young gay boy tied up in chains for BDSM sex torture.
Pencil drawing of a hot young gay boy tied up in chains for BDSM sex torture.
Naked Boy Chained In Dungeon BDSM Pencil Drawing.
Naked Boy Chained In Dungeon BDSM Pencil Drawing.
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Jail Cell Gang Bang Gay BDSM Pencil Drawing #178C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about a jail cell gang bang gay BDSM pencil drawing $178C.

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The theme of the post is gay BDSM rape.

Jail Cell Gang Bang Delineated

This prison rape drawing was done out of my head at Club Icon, a gay bar in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The scene takes place in a dark prison cell because these men are all criminals. They have little to no morals because they are from the streets. Life for these men is little more than eating, shitting, and fucking because they are street urchins. The boy getting raped is screaming out of torment because he is getting pleasure from the pain. This prison rape drawing brings out all that BDSM offers because BDSM sex brings satisfaction.

I started the drawing, while sitting at the bar, with contour lines because they outline the figures. Once I have the figures in place I expand the lines to make the entire scene. In looking at the drawing you can see the bold lines that outline the figures in the rape scene. All of these lines are contour lines. The prison bars in the background of the rendering are done with contour lines because they are vector based. When you look closely at the face and torso of the rapist you can see many hatched lines. Hatched lines are used for making shade and shadows in prison rape art.

Gay Inmate Hatched

In looking at this prison rape drawing you can see that the chest of the rapist is very muscular and sexy because he works out. Hatch lines have been used to make the shade and shadows on his chest, face, and arms. The boy being raped has hatched lines on his head and shoulder because he is against the light.

Below are drawings that I have done with the same theme.

Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Gay Prison Rape Of A Hot Boy Pencil Drawing.
Gay Prison Rape Of A Hot Boy Pencil Drawing.