This post is about a watercolor pen & ink drawing of a flaccid cock of a gay man.
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The cock and balls is rendered with contour and hatched lines.
Flaccid Cock Delineated
It gives me the greatest pleasure to do drawings and watercolor of penises and balls. This penis is not totally flaccid but rather a bit on the plump side. You can clearly see the large shaft and balls all in place. A penis when it is totally flaccid shivel up to a very small size. When a man goes swimming in cold water, his penis gets very small. This rendering of the large cock is more inflated, yet still flaccid and not ready to ejaculate sperm or cum. The way that the cock hangs make it look lovely. The large size of the harry balls give support to the image of the penis because it is large.
Soft Dick Hatched
What makes this rendering of the penis stand out is the hatched lines for making shade and shadows. The drawing was first commenced with a light pencil sketch of the entire penis and balls. After I got the image sketched out I started to use pen & ink to delineate the outline of the figure of the cock and balls. When I finished with the first applicaton of pen & ink contour lines I started to use hatched lines becasue that give depth to the figure. Hatch lines are the small fine lines that are aligned together to form shading because they are small. If you look closely at the drawing you can see that there are a lot of small hatched lines alll along the back side of the cock and against the harry balls. This is the darkest region of the drawing and need to be shaded in.