Man jacking off with giant penis pen & ink figure drawing is gay comedy. Jizz man has an enormous cock and is shooting the cum into his mouth from his orgasm.

Man Jacking Off Delineated
This jizz man is a pleasure to talk about here.
Penis On Jack Off Man
The penis on jizz man is from another planet because it is so big! His cock is as big as his thigh and he is shooting buckets of cum into his mouth. He has to use his entire right hand to jack off with because his penis is so big. The glan at the top of his cock is as big as his fist because it shows through the foreskin. I have outlined his cock with contour lines because I wanted to ouline the entire penis. He has huge hairy balls that I have shaded in with hatch lines in this jizz man rendering.
Head And Face
Jizz man is sitting back with his head tilted back and mouth wide open because he wants to catch the cum into his mouth. He is wearing a ball cap and his eyes are opened slightly. I have shaded the area under the ball cap to capture the shading on his head in this jizz man drawing. The back of his head shows the ball cap and hair which I have darkend with contour lines because they are in shade.
His chest is fit because you can see his chiseled abs through his shirt which is opened. He is feeling his right nipple with his left hand. The shirt is open and ruffeled up on each side of his arms.
His left leg is up in the air because he is in the middle of sexual orgasm. The right leg is partially seen in the drawing because from the knee down it is out of the picture plane in this jizz man drawing.
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