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Yuval Sliper Shirtless Male Pen & Ink Figure Drawing #205C

Yuval Sliper Shirtless Male Pen & Ink Figure Drawing. He has a hard body and a muscular physique and firm pecs.

This post is about Yuval Sliper shirtless male pen & ink figure drawing. Yuval Sliper is a gay man’s heart throb.

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The theme of this post is shirtless males.

Yuval Sliper Shirtless Delineated

This shirtless male drawing of Yuval Sliper is a pleasure to write about here.

Shirtless Male Head

The head of Yuval Sliper is magnificent because it’s proportions are symetrical with his torso frame. Hard body Yuval shows us his manly physique with his shirtless torso because he is famous. Super model Yuval has a muscular body with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs and firm pecs.


Yuval has a sculpted head that sits squarely on his shoulders because he has a well proportioned physique. It is clear the Yuval works out often because his muscles are well developed in this shirtless male rendering. He has his head turned to his left and his full head of hair is falling on to part of his forehead. The sun is shining in from his left leaving him in shade and shadows on his right side.

His nose is small and thin which gives him an elegant appearance in this shirtless male rendering. His eyebrows are average size and taper down to his nose in this shirtless male drawing. The cheeks are narrow showing that he has a thin face. The thick head of hair on is scalp goes all around the top of his head. His right ear is seen in the light because the sun is coming from his left, and it is average in size. The neck is solid and strong which supports his head in this shirtless male drawing.


Yuval’s torso is the prize of this rendering because it is so beautifully sculpted. It looks like MichelAngelo sculpted Yuval’s torso because it is magnificent. His pecs are evenly aligned across the top of his torso and his nipples are sitting at the bend of the pecs. His linea alba starts at the pecs and goes right down to his pelvis for this shirtless male drawing. I have used hatched lines to show the shadows of his chest muscles. The love handles are firm and taper into his lower abdomen because he works out.