Shirtless Males

Shirtless gay male with fit torso, and sexy abs, pen & ink figure drawing.
Shirtless gay male with fit torso, and sexy abs, pen & ink figure drawing.

Pen & ink drawings, watercolors, and prints of gay shirtless men and boys.

Barechested Men Delineation

I have made an effort to bring out the beauty of men and boy with the use of contour lines and hatched linework. It is not my task to reproduce photographs, but rather, to offer drawings that bring ou the sexual persona of the human male with lines. All things pay homage to delineation. Contour lines are used to make the figure because they offer full image. When I use contour lines they are placed firmly on the paper because the pencil will show well. Contour lines tend to make the barechested men two dimensional because they do not offer shade and sahdows.

Shirtless Males In Shade & Shadows.

I make use of hatched and cross-hatched lines to give shading to the barechested men. Hatch lines are short closely aligned strokes used for making shade and shadows. It is important not to use too many hatch lines or the figures in the rendering will look too dark. When there are two or more shirtless males in the drawing I work the contour lines with the hatch lines to form the image. In the image of the hot young boy above you can see the hatch lines under his arms, chin, and pecs. The hatch lines here are more spaced out because the young man is in the open sun light.

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