This page is about the gay gang bang prison rape pencil drawing.

Gay Gang Bang Prison Delineated
Jail group rape started with contour lines because they provide the outline of the figures. Contour lines are best for making the image because they are linear. The contour lines can make the figures in the jail group rape drawing look flat if they are too strong. Contour lines are best for creating a line and not the full perspective of the figure. I drew the figures inside the prison cell first, and then followed up with detailing the men fucking the boy in the ass.
The figures that are fucking the boy are in the front of the drawing because they are the most important figures in the rendering. The man that is fucking the new inmate in the ass has a fit body because he works out. He has a sweet bubble butt which is excellent for fucking because he is versatile. The boy that is getting fucked in this jail group rape drawing is sucking the cock of the man holding his head.
To make the jail group rape scene more exciting I have darkened the prison cell because it brings out fear. I make use of hatched lines to make the shade and shadows to the cell block. When you look at the drawing you can see the prison bars to the left because they are made with negative space lighting. The space between the bars is almost completely black because it is filled in with hatch lines. Hatch are small strokes that give a powerful tone to the jail group rape drawing because they are clean. The wall just behind the men getting a blow job is dark. The best way to attain balance in the jail group rape drawing is by making good shade and shadows.
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