PDF scans are used for making prints, note cards, calenders, and other printed materials.

PDF Scans
PDF scans are a vital way to make printed copies and documents. Further, these scans can be used for posting images on the Internet. For example, I have done watercolor house portraits for Realtors for years. Often I am contacted by one of my Realtor clients to get a scan of one of the house portraits. This is because they can put it in their website as the closing gifts that he or she gives out.
Note Cards & Scans
One of the most popular reasons for getting a scan is to print note cards and wedding invitations. With me providing my clients the scan they can email it directly to the printer and make the note cards.
Calendars & Posters
Calendars and posters are another good reason people like to order scans because they can be enlarged and put in the home or office. I had one client oder a milwaukee skyline scan so that they could make a mural of it on the walls of the main entrance!
Internet Announcements
The internet only uses scans to post images because of the size of the files. When you are hosting an event you can take the scan that I provide to you and place it right into your website. There is no need to have the files modifed because the scan is the complete rendering. When you are downloading the image on to your website it has to be about 1,000 pixels in size. The scans that I send to you are much larger files. In my studio I use the Adobe Suites for all of my website editing. The program that I work with the most is Fireworks, because it is designed to work with the internet. If you want to work with prints then you need to use Photoshop because that handles printed materials.
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