Gay men fucking and sucking of three hot guys. Intercourse boys with hard bodies, muscular torsos, chiseled 6-pack set of abs, and firm pecs.
This gay sex art post is about three men in a small sex orgy.

Boytoy in this post is defined as a gay boy slut or fuck buddy. This is a person that performs any kind of hedonistic gay sex acts for pleasure and gratification.
Gay Men Fucking And Sucking Delineated With Contour & Hatched Lines
Overall Description Of The Work Of Art
This intercourse figure drawing is a pleasure to talk about here. The figure drawing shows three gay men in a three way sex party because they like sex. In the drawing we see the faces and heads of two of the boys in the three-way. The third boy is only seen by his cock going into the ass of the middle boy at the bottom of this intercourse rendering.
Torso Of Intercourse Boys
Description Of Intercourse Boys
The torso of the middle boy is partially blocked by the head of the boy sucking the cock of the middle boy. The middle boy is sitting on the chest of the bottom boy while being fucked in the ass with his cock. The third boy has is cock in the ass of the middle boy which can be seen at the bottom of this intercourse rendering.
You can see that the middle boy is fit and has a muscular build because he works out. The boy on the top of the middle boy, who is sucking his cock, also has a muscular build because you can see this in his upper torso and shoulders.
I have used contour lines to make the figure of the torso because it provides the outline of the figure in this intercourse drawing. Hatched lines have been used to draw the shade and shadows of the torso because they offer depth and perspective.
I have added watercolor tones of brown and red to bring out the flesh tones on the chest and pelvis. The ink lines complement the watercolors in adding dimension to the figures.
Erotic Fantasy Vignette About The Torso
At my next gay orgy this Friday I have invited these three boys to come over and play with my fuck buddies because they are cute. When they arrive at my house, I will have the vodka ready for them to get them drunk in this intercourse drawing.
Penis Of Intercourse Boys
Two penises can be seen in this intercourse drawing because they are in the center of the composition. The penis of the middle boy is in the center of the drawing, and it is a full hardon. It is big and thick and has a nice pink flesh tone in this intercourse drawing. The top boy, whose head is in the center of the drawing, is sucking the middle boy’s cock. The cock is at least eight inches long and has large hairy balls.
Right below the middle boy’s cock is the penis of the bottom boy. This is because he is positioned below the middle boy on the bed in this intercourse drawing. The penis of the third boy is the same size as that of the middle boy and has nice flesh tones.
I have used contour lines to draw the figure of the penises because they give the outline in this intercourse drawing. The light is coming from the right side of the composition and makes shade and shadows on the left side. To make the shading I have used hatched and cross-hatched lines to give dimension to the image of the cocks because they are big. The watercolors are of a flesh tone that have ochre and reds in them for this intercourse drawing.
Erotic Fantasy Vignette About The Penis
When these three boys come to my orgy this Friday night the party will rock because they know how to fuck and suck. When I get them drunk on vodka and gin the party will become better because booze makes sex better. These boys will jack off and shoot loads of cum and jizz on the muscular torsos of my fuck buddies.
Head And Face
The heads and faces of these boys are cute because God made them that way in this intercourse drawing. The boy in the middle is clean shaven whereas the boy on the top has a light beard because it looks thin.
Both boys have short blonde hair and beautiful eyes in this intercourse rendering. The boy in the middle has exceptionally fine lips because they are finely defined.
Contour lines were used to make the figure of the heads and faces of the boys. This is because they offer perspective in this intercourse drawing. The light is bright in this composition so there are not many spots that require a lot of shading. I have used hatched lines to bring out the details of the eyes and noses of the boys because they have fine features. Both boys are exceedingly handsome because they were born this way in this intercourse drawing.
Erotic Fantasy Vignette About The Head And Face
These hot boys have big jaws and mouths which I need to have at my next gay clusterfuck because they are cute. They can cock suck my fuck buddies while I feed the vodka and gin because we all get drunk at my gay fuck parties.
Arms And Hands
Only the shoulders and hands can be seen regarding arms because they are outside of the picture plane in this intercourse drawing. The left hand of the middle boy can be seen under the left leg of the middle boy. This is because he is supporting the leg while he sucks his hardon cock.
I have used contour Ines and watercolor to make the figure of the arms and hands because they give definition. Hatched and cross-hatched lines have been used to show the shade and shadows in this intercourse drawing.
Erotic Fantasy Vignette About The Arms And Hands
These muscular boys with fit torsos and firm pecs are best when they are drunk. This is because they can play with me and my fuck buddies because we love gay sex and booze. Gay men fucking and sucking have made my day because they are hot.
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