Gay prison rape of a hot young boy pencil drawing. The gay jail rape drawing shows a fit man with hard body fucking a young man in the ass. Prints on sale.
This page is about a gay prison rape of a hot young boy pencil drawing.

Gay Prison Rape Delineated
This gay jail rape drawing was done out of my head. This is a dramatic drawing because the image of the young man screaming and the jail cell setting. The scene is dark because the hall to the cell block is dimly lit. Behind the boy being raped is his rapist looking at the viewer with confidence. Further behind the figures in this jail fuck are the prison bars that have the two inmates locked in. Details were done with contour lines because they are linear on this gay jail rape drawing. The bars in the background of this jail fuck drawing are solid vertical and horizontal contour lines. The hand of the rapist holding down the young man is also a contour line. Most of the lines that offer a complete image in this gay jail rape drawing are made with contour lines because they offer structure.
Contour lines are crucial for setting up and drawing out the main parts of the drawing because they are linear. However, to make the figure look life like you need to use hatch lines. I have used hatch lines to create the darkness behind the jail bars for this jail fuck rendering. The shadows on the sides of the faces of both figures are done with hatch lines in this gay jail rape drawing. Hatch lines are short strokes that form a pattern because they work like bitmaps. I use these patterns to form shading and shadow because they make depth and perspective. For the most part, I commence the hatch lines at the edge of the contour lines in this jail fuck rendering. I am careful not to use too many hatch lines because they darken this gay jail rape drawing.
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