This page is about gay studio art drawings, oil, and prints.

Large Prints Explained
Large prints come not matted in the size of 13″ x 19″. These popular big drawings are wonderful for larger areas on your walls or office space. The mats are not matted because this gives you the option to choose the color and size of the mat that you want. Very often clients will change the mat that comes with the prints because it does not fit their color scheme. Big drawings stand out because of the large size. Clients do not want the wrong color mat to stand out because it will bother them.
Prints are reproductions of works of art that can be larger or smaller than the original. big drawings have become very popular because of the low cost factors. To purchase an original work of art in the size of 13″ x 19″ can be very expensive. A small work of art can cost thousands of dollars, much less largers paintings and drawings. The quality of these big drawings are excellent with clear imagery of the original work of art.
Male Figures
There is nothing in all creation more beautiful to behold than the male figure. It is the rule of nature that the male is the fair sex in all species. From the fish in the sea to the birds in the air, it is nature’s decree that the male is most fair. These big drawing are the perfect way to display some of the lovely male figure that I have created because they are large. Once the print is matted and framed in this larger size it becomes clear that this large print size was an excellent choice. It is wise to follow the lead of good taste in Fine Art.
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