This is a pencil figure drawing of a gay man set up for his penis chopping.

What is more gruesome that to have your penis cut up into small pieces while you are forced to watch? This is the theme of what these cruel BDSM psychopaths did.
Penis Chopping Block Delineated
This cock dicing drawing of a man having his penis cut off. I have made use of contour lines to render the shape of the penis and also the small pieces that it has been cut into. The pencil was a soft lead so the contour line is dark on this cock dicing drawing. The outline of the fingers and the knife are especially dark driving home to point of a truly cruel thing. The use of the contour lines is the most intense just under the penis and in the hand of the man with the knife in this cock dicing drawing.
To compliment the intensity of the scene I have use hatched lines to bring a three-dimensional element to the figures. Hatch lines are the best way to express shades and shadows in a cock dicing rendering. As you can see by looking at this drawing that there is a lot of intensity here.
It is important not to use too many hatched lines. This is because they can make the drawing too dark and difficult to see in any cock dicing drawing. When you look at the diced-up penis you can see all the hatch lines in every slice of the flesh. Hatched lines work best when they are used together with contour lines. These lines complement each other because together they give full dimension to the figures. I have used just a small of hatched line in the background and the foreground to give balance.
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