Raping an inmate gay BDSM pencil drawing. Illustrations of jail-mate rape by hard body men with muscular torsos. The men have chiseled 6-pack abs and pecs.
This page is about raping an inmate gay BDSM pencil drawing.

Raping An Inmate Delineated
This jail-mate rape drawing was done out of my head while at Hunter’s bar in Chicago. The scene in the drawing is that of a raping of a new inmate by two older ones because they are breaking him in. The victim is screaming while the dominant rapist has his hands up in the air, jubilant with celebration of his conquest. There is a third figure that is fondling the cock and balls of the raped boy. In the background of this jail-mate rape drawing are the shadows of the prison guards. They are watching the rape scene with pleasure because they are corrupt.
This jail-mate rape rendering was started with a quick sketch while I was sitting at the bar drawing it. After I finished the sketch, I commenced making the contour lines because they give delineation. If you look at the figures in the drawing you can see the contour lines that outline their figures. In the background you can see the shadows of the three prison guards looking through the bars. The bars where made with contour lines but the dark shading was done with hatched lines.
Rapist Hatched
The rapist in the jail-mate rape drawing has a lot of hatched lines on his right side because the light is coming in from his left. I have used many small hatch lines to make the shading on his torso and face. Hatched lines are meant to show gradual changes of tone in a drawing because they make shading. Contour lines are not able to do this because they do an outline of the figures not a shading of it. Outlines can tend to flatten jail-mate rape drawings because they are linear. I make sure not to put down too many hatch lines because it darkens the drawing too much.
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