This page is about a gay pencil figure drawing of a large soft penis with big hairy balls.

Soft Penis Delineated
I started out the drawing by doing a light pencil sketch of the cock and hairy balls. As a gay man I have always loved the penis because it is beautiful. After I finished the sketch, I followed up with drawing contour lines. The contour lines are stronger and bolder lines than the lines that you make with a preliminary sketch. The preliminary sketch is meant to be altered as I progress with the design of the drawing. A soft penis drawing requires a few sketches before commencing with the contour lines.
Flaccid Cock Contour Lines
The drawing is officially started with I put down the contour lines because at that point I do not change the format of the drawing. The flaccid cock drawing requires careful line work because there is a lot of skin on the shaft. A hard-on penis has much tighter skin and is easier to draw. In looking at this drawing you can see the bold outline of the contour lines because they form the shaft of the cock. The darkest area of the drawing is between the bottom of the shaft of the penis and the hairy balls that lay next to it. I am very careful not to put too many contour lines in the drawing of the flaccid cock because it will make it appear flat.
Flaccid Penis Hatched
When I made the shade and shadows for the soft penis, I made use of hatched lines. Hatch lines are short strokes of aligned lines that move in a pattern. As you can see from the drawing above, there are many hatch lines along the shaft of the penis. Further, the hair on the balls of the cock and the bottom of the balls uses a lot of hatched lines.
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