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Gay Prison Gang Bang Pencil Drawing #175C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about a gay BDSM prison gang bang pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is gay group sex.

BDSM Prison Gang Bang Delineated

This jail clusterfuck drawing was done out of my head. In the center of the drawing are grouped the figures raping the new inmate because they are breaking him in. The scene is set in a jail cell because they are all criminals. Behind this gay clusterfuck of men is a large jail cell wall that is the background for the rape scene. The figures of the inmates raping the boy are difficult to see because they are bent over. All of this jail clusterfuck action is done in a dark setting because they are being covert. Sex in jail is illegal so they have to be inconspicuous.

This jail clusterfuck drawing was commenced with contour lines because they are linear. Contour lines are excellent for drawing the entire figure in a drawing. If you look at the figures in the drawing just above you can see the outline of the men fucking the boy. I make sure not to draw too many contour lines because it makes the drawing too busy.

Jail Clusterfuck Hatched

This jail clusterfuck rendering is very dark because the scene is dark. To make the setting dark in the drawing I had to use hatched lines. Hatch lines are a series of small strokes that make a pattern. I use this pattern to make the shading because they are like a bitmat pattern. The hatch lines start at the edge of the contour line and then go to the lighter parts of the figure. I am very careful not to make too many hatch line because it will make the drawing too dark. To make the finest works of art it is good to work the hatch lines in conjunction with the contour lines.

Below are drawings utilizing my methods on how to work with contour and hatched line in BDSM drawings.

Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
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Jail Gang Bang Pencil Drawing #172C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about a gay jail gang bang pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is gay BDSM gang bang

Jail Gang Bang Delineated

I did this drawing out of my head. Prison drawings require a lot of good line work because many of their scenes are in the dark. When I started to draw this rendering I used a number 2 lead pencil and did an outline of the scene. The scene have a number of figures in it so I had to make careful use of the contour lines. Contour lines are used to make the outline of a drawing because they offer solid imagery.

When you look at this prison drawing above you can see the bold contour lines on the figures that are raping the new inmate on the cot. The back ground is dark because it is a dimly lit prison cell. Contour lines are excellent for making an out line but they fail at making a figure three dimensional. To get a full body look on the figures I used hatch lines.

Jail Cell Hatched

This prison rendering is very dark and it needs line work that will give darkness without losing the image of the figures. To accomplish this task I made use of hatch lines. When you look at the figure in the drawing you can see the hatch lines along their back side and legs because it give them a three dimensional appearance. The figure in the dark, standing in the center background behind the others is covered in hatch lines.

The walls of the jail cell are done with cross-hatched lines. This is because they give twice as much line work in the same space. It is important not to use too many hatch lines because they will make the drawing too dark and ruin the rendering.

Below are drawings that I have done with a similar theme making use of hatched and contour lines.

Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
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Gay Gang Bang Prison Rape Pencil Drawing #169C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about a gay gang bang prison rape pencil drawing.

To Order Pick Here

The theme of this post is gay gang bang.

Prison Gang Bang Delineated

This jail fuck party drawing shows a young man getting raped in the ass by three other inmates because he is a new inmate. The scene takes place in a dimly lit prison cell with bars on the left side of the drawing. The men are clustered around the boy having oral and anal gay sex. All the men in this jail fuck party drawing are naked because they are stripped for sex.

I have used contour lines to make the figures in this jail fuck party drawing because they give an outline of the figures. There are four figures in the drawing. Therefore, I have to make sure not to make too many contour lines because that will make the drawing look to busy. Jail fuck party drawings require clear and clean lines to make sense of the action taking place in the scene. Contour lines have to be carefully used because they will make the drawing appear flat because they are linear. To add a three dimensional appearance to the jail fuck party drawing I use hatch lines.

Jail Fuck Party Hatched

This jail fuck party drawing has a lot of shade and shadows in it because it is a dark prison cell. Hatch lines make small patterns with their strokes to make shading. The shade and shadows on the figures make them look more life like and three dimensional. The prison cell also looks better because I have used three point perspective in the rendering. The fine lines of the prison bars to the left side of the drawing give spacial continuity to the jail fuck party drawing.

Below are rendering using hatching for the same kind of scene because they have similar shading features.

Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay prison inmate gang bang.
Pencil drawing of a gay prison inmate gang bang.