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Naked Boy at Cell Door Pen & Ink BDSM Figure Drawing and Prints #157C

Pen & ink BDSM figure drawing of a hot naked boy standing at bars of his prison cell. He is muscular, fit with 6-pack abs.

Naked boy at cell door shows a hot young man in prison. Captive male is a hot dude that is waiting to be used as a boytoy in a BDSM jail orgy.

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This gay sex art post is about a gay naked inmate for BDSM sex.

Boytoy in this post is defined as a gay boy slut or fuck buddy that performs any kind of hedonistic gay sex acts for pleasure and gratification.

Naked Boy at Cell Door Delineated with Contour & Hatched Lines

Overall Description of The Rendering

This captive boy figure drawing rendering is a pleasure to write about here. The figure drawing shows a cute naked boy standing at his jail cell door.

Torso Of Captive Boy

Description Of Captive Boy Torso

The torso of the young man is covered in this captive boy drawing by his left arm and the cell bars. His athletic physique can be seen through the cell bars in this captive boy rendering.

Delineation Of Captive Boy Torso

I have used contour lines to make the figure of his torso because they show the full image. Below his left arm there are areas of shade and shadows caused by the light in the hall over his arm. I used hatched lines for the shade and shadows under his arm to show the lower torso.

Erotic Fantasy Vignette About The Captive Torso

His cellmates have tied him up against the cell bars and started to play with his body in this captive boy drawing. As the inmates play the captive boy gets a hardon because he is turn on. The inmates start to suck his cock and lick his low hanger balls in this captive boy rendering. They feel up his firm abs and his chiseled torso and start to lick his nipples.

Head And Face Of The Captive Boy


The captive boy has a handsome face and head because he was born that way. He is looking right at you with beautiful eyes and a finely formed nose. His lips are big and his jaw is large and manly in this captive boy drawing.


I have used contour lines to make the shape of his head and face. The details of his face have been drawn with hatched lines because there is a lot of shade and shadows.

Erotic Fantasy Vignette About the Hands and Face

The inmates now have tied him to a chair and are forcing him to cock suck each inmate in the cellblock. They force his hands to feel out their asses and play with their cocks and balls.

Arms And Hands


The captive boy has beautiful arms and hands because he was born that way. The left hand is crossed over the right hand as they slide through the tray slot in the cell door. His beautiful fingers are hanging down as they rest on each other.


I used contour lines to make the figure of the hands and arms because they offer a total view of the figure. I used a lot of hatched lines to darken in the background behind his hands and arms.

Erotic Fantasy Vignette About the Arms and Hands

The inmates have cuffed and gaged him and tied him to his bed because they are going to gangbang him and fuck his ass all night.

Similar Erotica Renderings Are Below

Pencil drawing of a hot chained naked prisoner in a prison sell and being used for gay BDSM sex.
Pencil drawing of a hot naked man chained up in a prison sell and being used for gay BDSM sex.
Pencil drawing of a young gay inmate chained to a prison wall with a big hardon cock.
Pencil drawing of a young gay inmate chained to a prison wall with a big hardon cock.
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Boy In Handcuffs Wearing Blue Jeans Pen & Ink Watercolor Drawing And Prints #110C

Pen & ink figure drawing of a hot man in blue jeans with his hands in handcuffs for gay BDSM sex.

Boy in handcuffs wearing blue jeans pen & ink watercolor drawing is restrained. This drawing is about a bondage man being held for BDSM sex.

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The theme of this post is gay BDSM sex.

Boy In Handcuffs Delineated

This bondage man drawings is a delight to write about here. The drawing shows a young man with blue jeans on locked in handcuffs because he is being taken away to a gay BDSM sex party. At this party he will be chained up and used as the sex toy for torture.

Handcuffs Of Bondage Man

The handcuffs that the bondage man is locked into are police regulation because these are the strongest kind. In looking at the drawing you can see that his hands are placed together tightly because of the few links in the chain. This bondage man has his left hand grasping his right hand because it offers security.

The palm of the right hand shows the shadows of the chains on it because the sun is shining directly on it. I have used hatch lines to make the shadows of the handcuffs on his hand because they are small.

Blue Jeans Of The Bondage Man

The blue jeans are a symbol of sex and this boy has the fine ass to fill them because he is fit. These jeans are painted in watercolor with a medium tone mix of cobalt, and cerulean blue because this matches the tone of the pants. The area below his hands is very dark because it is the crotch of his sweet ass. It is like a tunnel that is deep and dark needing to be explored in this bondage man rendering.

Similar Drawings Are Below

Pencil drawing of a hot chained naked prisoner in a prison sell and being used for gay BDSM sex.
Pencil drawing of a hot naked man chained up in a prison sell and being used for gay BDSM sex.
Pencil drawing of a young gay inmate chained to a prison wall with a big hardon cock.
Pencil drawing of a young gay inmate chained to a prison wall with a big hardon cock.
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Hot Gay Boy Kept In Bondage BDSM Pencil Drawing #180C

Pencil figure drawing of a hot nude male chained to a dungeon wall to be used for BDSM gay male sex.

This post is about a hot gay boy kept in bondage BDSM pencil drawing #180C.

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The theme of this post is gay BDSM slave boys.

Boy Kept In Bondage Delineated

This captive boy drawing was done while I was sitting at Hunter’s gay bar in Chicago. The scene is set in a dungeon or cellar because the boy is pinned to a wall. His head is bent downward and he is looking down because you cannot see his eyes. The young man has a very large penis that has a hardon which sets the tone for this captive boy drawing. The right side of the drawing is dark and gradually becomes lighter as we move to the left side.

The young man in this captive boy drawing is very handsome and has a hard body with muscular torso, and chiseled 6-pack abs with firm pecs. There is no doubt that his boy is sexy because he works out.

This drawing was started with contour lines because they give you the outline. In looking at the drawing you can see the bold contour lines along his right side. The side of his head as well as the lines on his torso were all done with contour lines. His large throbbing cock has a heavy, bold contour line because I wanted to focus attendion on gay sex. The shade and shadows were made with hatched lines because they offer prespective to this captive boy rendering.

Slave Boy Hatched

This captive boy drawing has a lot of darkness in it because the scene takes place in a hidden site. In looking at the drawing you can see that all along his torso and on his left side are many hatched lines. Hatch lines are small quick strokes that give shading. The right side of this captive boy drawing has to have a lot of hatched lines because it is so dark.

Below are drawings that I have done that have the same theme.

Pencil drawing of a hot young gay boy tied up in chains for BDSM sex torture.
Pencil drawing of a hot young gay boy tied up in chains for BDSM sex torture.
Naked Boy Chained In Dungeon BDSM Pencil Drawing.
Naked Boy Chained In Dungeon BDSM Pencil Drawing.
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Jail Cell Gang Bang Gay BDSM Pencil Drawing #178C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about a jail cell gang bang gay BDSM pencil drawing $178C.

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The theme of the post is gay BDSM rape.

Jail Cell Gang Bang Delineated

This prison rape drawing was done out of my head at Club Icon, a gay bar in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The scene takes place in a dark prison cell because these men are all criminals. They have little to no morals because they are from the streets. Life for these men is little more than eating, shitting, and fucking because they are street urchins. The boy getting raped is screaming out of torment because he is getting pleasure from the pain. This prison rape drawing brings out all that BDSM offers because BDSM sex brings satisfaction.

I started the drawing, while sitting at the bar, with contour lines because they outline the figures. Once I have the figures in place I expand the lines to make the entire scene. In looking at the drawing you can see the bold lines that outline the figures in the rape scene. All of these lines are contour lines. The prison bars in the background of the rendering are done with contour lines because they are vector based. When you look closely at the face and torso of the rapist you can see many hatched lines. Hatched lines are used for making shade and shadows in prison rape art.

Gay Inmate Hatched

In looking at this prison rape drawing you can see that the chest of the rapist is very muscular and sexy because he works out. Hatch lines have been used to make the shade and shadows on his chest, face, and arms. The boy being raped has hatched lines on his head and shoulder because he is against the light.

Below are drawings that I have done with the same theme.

Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Gay Prison Rape Of A Hot Boy Pencil Drawing.
Gay Prison Rape Of A Hot Boy Pencil Drawing.
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Inmate Rape Gay BDSM Pencil Drawing #177C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about an in inmate rape gay BDSM pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is inmate rape.

Inmate Rape Delineated

This jailmate sex drawing was done from out of my head at Hunter’s gay bar in Chicago. The scene take place in a prison cell where two inmates are raping a hot new inmate boy. This jailmate sex drawing show the prison guards looking in on the action because they are voyeurs. The guards are peering through the prison bars to get turned on sexually because they are perverts.

This jailmate sex drawing was commenced with contour lines because they are linear. Contour lines offer a bold strong line for making the out line of figures in a drawing. The lines must be clean and clear because they have to show the image of the subject. In looking at the drawing you can see the contour lines that outline the two men raping the boy in the prison cell. These lines clearly show the figures and what they are doing because the lines detail it.

The background of the jailmate sex drawing is dark and has the figure of the prison guards looking in on the scene. Contour lines were used to make the prison bars but hatch shading of the bars because they have patterns.

Gay Inmate Hatched

The figure of the gay boy being rape has him screaming while the inmates fuck him in the ass. In this jailmate sex drawing the third figure is fondling the boy’s cock and balls. All of these figures have been shaded with hatch lines because they are full body. In looking at the figures more closely you can see the small hatch lines all over their bodies. It is darkes under the abdomen of the boy being raped and the rapist.

Below are other similar drawings using hatched and contour lines that I have done.

Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
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Gay Jail Rape Of A Hot Young Boy Pencil Drawing #176C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about a gay jail rape of a hot young boy pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is gay male jail rape.

Gay Jail Rape Delineated

This prison fuck drawing was done from out of my head. In this scene we have two figure in action against a dark background of prison cell bars. The tall handsome male behind the boy is the inmate rapits because he is fucking the boy by force. The boy is screaming out of pain and fear because he has no helpers. This prison fuck drawing brings out terror because it is written all over the boy’s face. The inmate rapist has a firm grip on the boy’s head and shoulder because he does not want him to escape.

This prison fuck rendering brings out both fear and lust because sex is in the roots of human nature. We love and need sex to servibe, but we hate it because it brings us down.

This prison fuck drawing was started from a pencil when I was at Hunter’s Gay Bar in Chicago. I did many drawings there while I drank and talked with friends. The lines that make up the composition of this prison fuck drawing are contour lines. Contour lines are needed for drafting the entire compostion and then follow with detailing. Since contour lines are linear they are not utilized for shade and shadows. Shade and shadows are done with hatched lines because they bring out form.

Gay Raped Boy Hatched

When you look at this prison fuck drawing you can see that the right sides of both figures are dark. This is because the light is coming in from their left side. However, the shading on their right side is gradual and not of high contrast. I needed to do a gradual movement of shade from the darkness to the light.

Below are some other prison sex drawings that I have done that show how I work with contour and hatched lines.

Anal Probe In Prison BDSM Pencil Drawing.
Anal Probe In Prison BDSM Pencil Drawing.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
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Gay Prison Gang Bang Pencil Drawing #175C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about a gay BDSM prison gang bang pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is gay group sex.

BDSM Prison Gang Bang Delineated

This jail clusterfuck drawing was done out of my head. In the center of the drawing are grouped the figures raping the new inmate because they are breaking him in. The scene is set in a jail cell because they are all criminals. Behind this gay clusterfuck of men is a large jail cell wall that is the background for the rape scene. The figures of the inmates raping the boy are difficult to see because they are bent over. All of this jail clusterfuck action is done in a dark setting because they are being covert. Sex in jail is illegal so they have to be inconspicuous.

This jail clusterfuck drawing was commenced with contour lines because they are linear. Contour lines are excellent for drawing the entire figure in a drawing. If you look at the figures in the drawing just above you can see the outline of the men fucking the boy. I make sure not to draw too many contour lines because it makes the drawing too busy.

Jail Clusterfuck Hatched

This jail clusterfuck rendering is very dark because the scene is dark. To make the setting dark in the drawing I had to use hatched lines. Hatch lines are a series of small strokes that make a pattern. I use this pattern to make the shading because they are like a bitmat pattern. The hatch lines start at the edge of the contour line and then go to the lighter parts of the figure. I am very careful not to make too many hatch line because it will make the drawing too dark. To make the finest works of art it is good to work the hatch lines in conjunction with the contour lines.

Below are drawings utilizing my methods on how to work with contour and hatched line in BDSM drawings.

Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
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Ass Play In Prison Cell Gay BDSM Pencil Drawing #174C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about ass play in prison cell gay BDSM pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is gay BDSM fisting.

Gay Inmates Fisting Delineated

This anal probe drawing was done out of my head. In the drawing are four naked inmates stripping a young new inmate because they are going to molest him. The men strip him and cast him on the cot and force him face down to use for fisting and ass play. These hot inmates know just how to make a new inmate feel at home because he is gay.

The ass play drawing was started with contour lines because they give a total image to the figures. In the drawing above you can see the bold contour lines forming the outline of the nude men because they are linear. Also, the cell bars behind the men are done with contour lines. The wall to the right side of the drawing has long vertical lines that are contour lines.

Looking through the cell bars are three figure drawn as an outline. These ghostly figures are the security guards watching the BDSM orgy for sexual thrill. Anal probe is going right up front and dead center in the drawing because it is the theme of the drawing. The prison guards are voyeurs and so take thrill in watching the boy get raped and fisted.

Ass Play Hatched

This anal probe drawing is all about gay fisting because young gay men like it. Fisting is the sexual practice of driving your hand and fist all the way up another man’s ass hole. This is a daring practice because it can damage the interior lining of your anus. When you take your time in fisting with your partner it is safe play.

To give drama and a three dimentional appearance to the drawing I have used hatch lines. You can see the hatch lines all over the naked men to show a full body. The area under the abdomen of the inmate being fisted is dark as well as behind the prison guards.

Below are drawing of mine showing the use of contour and hatched lines in gay prison drawings.

Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
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Nude Boy Chained In Dungeon BDSM Pencil Drawing #173C

Naked Boy Chained in Dungeon BDSM Pencil Drawing. He has a muscular body and a 6-pack set of abs and cute face.

This post is about a gay nude boy chained in dungeon BDSM pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is gay BDSM sex.

Nude Boy Chained Delineated

This drawing was done out of my head. Naked boy drawings require excellent line work because the male body has a lot of detail. As you can see from looking at the drawing above this drawing is dark because the boy is in a dungeon. The dark atmosphere brings in a sense of suspense and horror because people are affraid of the dark.

This naked boy drawing was started with a quick pencil sketch. After I completed the sketch I started to draw the figure with contour lines. Contour lines are used to give the outline of the figure because they are precise. In looking at the drawing you can see the strong bold contour line that outlines the boy’s left shoulder and arm. The same line continues up to his behead because it follows the shape of the figure. The left side of this naked boy rendering is very dark because that is the background of the dimly lit dungeon.

Dungeon Hatched

The best way to show form and darkness in this naked boy drawing is with hatch lines because they offer patterns. Below is are other drawing of mine that shows good use of hatch lines.

Pencil drawing of a hot young gay boy tied up in chains for BDSM sex torture.
Pencil drawing of a hot young gay boy tied up in chains for BDSM sex torture.

As you can see that this drawing is similar to the one above, and it is very dark because I had used hatch lines to make the shading. The intenity of the scene is a bit more severe because of the boy screaming out of pain. The darker space in the dungeon also adds to the horror of the scene. BDSM themes, as seen in this naked boy rendering, are an excellent vehicle to show high quality gay sex art.

Pencil drawing of a hot chained naked prisoner in a prison sell and being used for gay BDSM sex.
Pencil drawing of a hot naked man chained up in a prison sell and being used for gay BDSM sex.
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Jail Gang Bang Pencil Drawing #172C

Pencil Figure drawing of a BDSM prison rape of a new inmate. They have muscular bodies with a chiseled 6-pack set of abs.

This post is about a gay jail gang bang pencil drawing.

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The theme of this post is gay BDSM gang bang

Jail Gang Bang Delineated

I did this drawing out of my head. Prison drawings require a lot of good line work because many of their scenes are in the dark. When I started to draw this rendering I used a number 2 lead pencil and did an outline of the scene. The scene have a number of figures in it so I had to make careful use of the contour lines. Contour lines are used to make the outline of a drawing because they offer solid imagery.

When you look at this prison drawing above you can see the bold contour lines on the figures that are raping the new inmate on the cot. The back ground is dark because it is a dimly lit prison cell. Contour lines are excellent for making an out line but they fail at making a figure three dimensional. To get a full body look on the figures I used hatch lines.

Jail Cell Hatched

This prison rendering is very dark and it needs line work that will give darkness without losing the image of the figures. To accomplish this task I made use of hatch lines. When you look at the figure in the drawing you can see the hatch lines along their back side and legs because it give them a three dimensional appearance. The figure in the dark, standing in the center background behind the others is covered in hatch lines.

The walls of the jail cell are done with cross-hatched lines. This is because they give twice as much line work in the same space. It is important not to use too many hatch lines because they will make the drawing too dark and ruin the rendering.

Below are drawings that I have done with a similar theme making use of hatched and contour lines.

Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.
Pencil drawing of a gay gang bang prison rape of a young hot inmate.