This page is about a gay boy sucking big hairy cock pen & ink figure drawing #136B.

Boy Sucking Big Hairy Cock Delineated
This boy sucking drawing is a pleasure to talk about here. This drawing show a cut boy with smooth skin sucking a nice juicy dick because he is a cock sucker. The dude getting his cock sucked has a beautiful dick because it is big and smooth. This dick is very nice looking and the hair on his balls is very fine because it has soft curls. The boy sucking the dick is very happy because his eyes are closed. He has his mouth totally wrapped around his buddy’s cock and does not want to let go.
Boy Sucking the Balls
The sack holding the balls is nice and firm because that means the cum and semen are rushing up into the shaft of the penis. The young man has his left hand on the shaft of the penis while feeling the firm sack in this boy sucking drawing.
The hair on the man getting sucked is very nice to look at. You can see that it is soft and light in tone because of all the light between the hairs. The fingers of the young man are nestled right into the thickest part of the hair. He is very occupied with both his mouth and his fingers in this boy sucking rendering.
The boy has a lovely face that any gay man would love to kiss because he is cute. Light is coming into the composition from behind him because it is lighting up his right cheek. I have used hatched lines to fill in the shade and shadows around and under his neck. He has a thick head of hair that is well kept.
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