Cock sucking boy is a pen & ink watercolor figure drawing showing a fit young man. Fellatio dude has a muscular torso, chiseled 6-pack set of abs and firm biceps.
This gay sex art rendering is about a fit gay boy sucking a big hairy cock pen & ink watercolor figure drawing. ~ New 232B

Cock Sucking Boy Delineated With Contour & Hatched Lines
This fellatio figure drawing is a pleasure to talk about here. The figure drawing shows a very hot muscular boy that is sucking a big hairy dick because he likes it. This is a pen & ink watercolor and the background behind the cock sucker is very dark.
Torso Of Fellatio Boy
Both dudes in the fellation drawing are fit because they work out. On the left is the hot dude with the big hairy cock getting a blow job because he is turned on. You can see the his pelvis and rectus abdominis are very strong and firm and even curve inward because of the tight muscles. His cock is massive and thick because the cock sucker cannot get his hands around the shaft of the penis.
On the right with his head in the center of the composition is the cock sucker because he is sucking a cock. He too is very fit because you can see the muscles on his biceps and trapezius. His neck is very solid and you can see the muscles going down to his pectoralis majors and deltas.
I have used both hatched lines and cross-hatched lines to make the figure in this fellatio drawing. The is a bright light that shines on the torso and right arm holding the giant penis. This light makes for high contrast lighting making shade and shadows. I have done a lot of cross-hatching to darken the area that are in the shade.
Erotic Fantasy Story Of Rendering Torso
This hot boy is a perfect boytoy for gay sex parties and clusterfucks because he is so fit and handsome.
The penis of the young man on the left is enormous because it is larger than the hand of the cock sucker. The shaft of the penis is very think and the cock sucker can only get his lips around the glan because it is so thick. The cock sucker is holding the penis with his right hand as the light shines in on him in this fellatio rendering.
I have drawn the penis with contour lines to get the outline because you can then see the full figure. For the shading I used hatched and cross-hatched lines in this fellatio drawing.
Erotic Fantasy Story Of Rendering Penis
This big cock is the dessert at any gay sex party because every dude there will feast on it.
Head And Face
The cock sucker has a beautiful face and body to match because he was born that way. He is in profile so you cannot see his head and face from the front. His nose mouth and eyes are seen. The mouth on this cock sucker has been put to task because the mighty cock that he is sucking barely fit in his mouth.
I have used contour lines to show his facial features and hatched lines for the shading.
Erotic Fantasy Story Of Rendering Head And Face
This cock sucker is a great party boy because he can suck on cock and get fucked in the ass at the same time. As time passes at the gay orgy he will be good and drunk making him the real boytoy that he wants.
Arms And Hands
Only the right arm and hand of the cock sucker are seen in this fellatio rendering. He is holding the penis with his right hand and his right arm is supporting his body with his elbow.
I have drawn the arms and hands with contour lines. The shade and shadow of the hand and arms are done with hatched lines.
Erotic Fantasy Story Of Rendering Arms And Hands
His hands and arms are so big and strong that they make him a first class jack off and cock sucking boy.
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