Naked boy chained in dungeon BDSM pencil drawing. The restrained nude boy drawing shows a young gay man with, chiseled 6-pack set of abs and fit torso.
This page is about gay naked boy chained in dungeon BDSM pencil drawing.

Restrained Delineated
This restrained nude boy drawing was done out of my head. Restrained drawings require a lot of attention to detail because many of their scenes are in the dark. This restrained nude boy is very cute and has a hard body. His torso has 6-pack abs, and his pecs are hot. I could lick his nipples all night long and love every minute of it. This restrained drawing was first started with contour lines because they layout the figure.
If you look at the drawing you can see the bold contour lines that defines his right arm and shoulder because it defines his figure. Behind him is the darkness of the dungeon where he is kept for BDSM sex. He is a boy to be used for the whims by predators of the innocent. The scene is suspenseful because you do not know what is going to happen to the hot young man in this restrained nude boy.
Restrained Nude Boy Hatched
This naked boy chained drawing has a lot of darkness in it because it invokes fear and terror. Hatch lines are needed to make the dark lines with shade and shadows. If you look closely as the drawing you can see all of the hatch marks along the edges of the drawing because this is the border. These lines can be cross hatched to double the number of lines that you need for shading the figure and background. Contour lines are excellent for making an outline of a figure, but they fail at making figures look three dimensional. Hatch lines are the best way to draw shade and shadows in restrained nude boy renderings.
When you work both contour lines with hatched lines you get an even balanced work of art because they complement each other. Boy chained images are difficult to capture so working your lines to attain good looking figures. Diligence and accuracy is the path to making great restrained nude boy drawings.
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