Nude man standing in profile pen & ink figure drawing has a hard body. This naked male has a muscular torso, and chiseled 6-pack set of abs with firm pecs.

Nude Man Standing Delineated
This naked male standing is a pleasure to talk about here. The drawing shows a beautiful young man standing with a wooden pole behind him because he is leaning against it. The naked male is in profile with a slight turn towards the viewer because he is posing for this drawing. This man is an iconic image for the gay community because he is fit and beautiful. This website is all about male beauty and this nude man standing is just that.
This naked male rendering is done in contour lines because I wanted to show the outlined image of the figure.
Penis Of Naked Male
The penis of this naked male is uncut with large hairy balls because he was born that way. It is relatively flaccid but with some blood in his shaft because it is not completely limp. The penis is large and handsome with fine looking low hangers just below the shaft of his cock. His balls are in shade because the large size of his cock is casting a shadow over them. The naked male has his body turned towards the viewer because he wants to show the viewer is large hairy cock and balls. This image of the nude figure is all about sexual enticement.
The torso of this naked male is very fine because he works out. His chest is trim and muscular showing his chiseled 6-pack set of abs and sweet pecs. His ribs are nicely shown in the fine contour lines that I made along the right side of his torso because they are short and opened. There are a few contour lines that I drew on his left side but they are in the center of his profile, not the edge.
His legs are long and finely sculpted because he keeps in shape in this naked male rendering. The right leg is bent up with his foot squarely on the post on which he is leaning. His left leg is firmly planted on the ground supporting the figure and showing the beauty of his form.
His right arm and hand are resting on his right leg that is bent forward. The left arm is raised upward and his hand is placed back behind his head and holding on to the post that he is leaning against. His arms are muscular, and fit.
His head is beautiful and looking straight ahead because he is showing the viewer his profiled face. The back half of his head is hidden by his left arm because it is holding on to the post just behind him. He has a thick head of hair that is nicely combed.
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