Penis fucking ass shows a rock hard cock thrusting it’s way up into a boy’s ass. Intercourse drawing illustrates a thick meaty cock with big hairy balls.
This gay sex art post is about a cock fucking an asshole pen & ink figure drawing.

Boytoy in this post is defined as a gay boy slut or fuck buddy that performs any kind of hedonistic gay sex acts for pleasure and gratification.
Penis Fucking Ass Delineated With Contour & Hatched Lines
Overall Description Of The Work Of Art
This intercourse figure drawing is a pleasure to talk about here. The figure drawing shows a very large cock fucking a boy in the ass because he is sitting on top of him.
Penis For Intercourse
Description For Intercourse
This fuck session shows a penis fucking a sweet boy’s ass bareback. The man is lying on the bed because you can see his two nipples on each side of his penis. The boytoy has straddled himself over the man so that he can get fucked in the ass with his cock. The arms, legs and other parts of the body are out of the picture plane because this is a close-up rendering of the intercourse session.
Delineation Of Intercourse
The light is coming from the top and the right side of the composition in this intercourse drawing. In looking at the drawing you can see the brightness of the light on the right side of the penis. As the shaft of the penis curves the light fades and the image of the penis becomes darker. The penis is darkest at the lower left side of the shaft in this intercourse drawing. The hairy balls are nice and tight because they are pushing the cum and semen put into the shaft of the penis. The brightest point on the penis is the upper right side of the shaft where the glan has entered the anus.
The background behind the head and torso of the man on the bed is very dark. I have used a lot of hatched and cross-hatched lines to darken this area for this intercourse rendering. The dark side of the shaft has been drawn with both contour lines and hatched lines because together they bring out the entire form. You can see the hair of the man’s balls at the base of the penis shaft which I drew with free-hand lines.
Erotic Fantasy Vignette About The Penis
This boytoy and his fuck buddy are two guys that I would like to have at one of my gay clusterfuck parties. The man with the cock can lay on the pool table and his boytoy can be the bottom boy. First we give him alcohol to get him nice and drunk for the best sex play. Once the boytoy is drunk we can pass him around to all the men at the party and fuck his boy pussy.
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