Shirtless boy pissing pen & ink drawing is hot. This hard body pisser, wearing blue jeans, has a muscular torso, chiseled 6-pack set of abs, and firm pecs.

Shirtless Boy Pissing
This pisser drawing is a pleasure to talk about here. The drawing shows a shirtless boy pissing with his uncut cock sticking out of his blue jeans because his is likes to do that. This pisser is very hot and trim because he works out often. His figure is oulined with bold contour lines because they give the full image of the figure.
Penis Of The Pisser
The penis on this pisser is big and uncut because he is not circumcised. He is holding his cock with his right hand while holding his hairy balls with his left hand. The penis is quite large because it fills his hand while it is still flaccid. In looking at the drawing you can see piss coming out of his cock.
Torso Of The Pisser
The torso of this pisser is amazing because it is very fit and yet he is very trim because he watches what he eats. The linea alba is thick and wide running down from his pectoralis majors to his pelvis. His piss boy has fine muscular deltas, and he has a chiseled 6-pack set of abs with firm pecs. His pose is from the side so the view does not get a front view of his chest because he is turned. There is a bright light shining on him from behind the viewer making all kinds of shade and shadows on his torso.
I have used a lot of hatched and cross-hatched lines to draw this pisser figure because it is so beautiful. The brightest spot on his body is his left shoulder because that is where the light shines directly. Because of the light on his left shoulder there are a lot of shadow on the side of his chest and rib cage. The muscles of rectus abdominis show clearly because of the shados cast from the light.
Face Of The Boy
This pisser has a beautiful fac and neck because God made him that way. His head is turned toward the viewer and has a lot of light shining on the left side of his face. The right side of his face is in shadow because of the lack of light. I have used a lot of hatch and cross-hatched lines to make shading in this area of his face. HIs lips are closed and his beautiful eyes are fixed right on the viewer because he is watching us.
The pisser boy has a thick head of hair and a very fine nose. His jaw tapers nicely to his chin in this pisser boy drawing.
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