Shirtless male with pecs is a hot dude with a masculine physique. Hard body boy has a muscular torso with a chiseled six-pack set of abs & solid deltoids.
This gay sex art page is about a gay review of “Shirtless Male with Pecs Pen & Ink Figure Drawing with Dirty Gay Sex Stories #285B.”

Hard Body Boy Delineated with Contour & Hatched Lines
Overall Description of a Shirtless Male with Pecs
This hard body boy figure drawing is a pleasure to talk about here. The figure drawing shows a shirtless hot boy with big pecs and muscular torso because he works out.
Torso ~ Hard Body Boy
Outline ~ Hard Body Boy
The torso of this hot young man is very muscular and fit because he works out. The pectoralis majors are large with big nipples and meet at the Linea alba. The rectus abdominis is flanked by the Linea semilunaris on each side and the Linea alba running down the center. His deltoids run smoothly into his biceps. His pecs have nipples that you can lick for hours because they are large and full.
Delineation ~ Hard Body Boy
I have used contour lines to draw the torso of the hard body boy because they bring out the outline of the torso. For the shade and shadows on the torso of the hard body boy I have used hatched and cross-hatched lines.
Erotic Fantasy Story Referencing the Torso
Willis is a hot boy that is always wanting to hookup with hot boys because he is a proud gay man. He is very successful at hooking up because he is cute, and he has a very muscular torso. When Willis sees a boy that he wants to have sex with his just takes off his shirt and moves the muscles on his hot pecs and the boys come running after him.
Head & Face
This hard body boy has a finely shaped head and a cute face because he was made that way. He has a full head of hair which is a bit messy but makes him look sexy. There is shade and shadowing under his hair line on his forehead because of the light coming from above, in this hard body boy drawing. He is clean shaven and has a handsome chin and jaw.
I have used contour lines to draw the head and face of the hard body boy because they bring out the outline of the head and face. For the shade and shadows on the head and face of the hard body boy I have used hatched and cross-hatched lines.
Erotic Fantasy Story Referencing the Head and Face
Willis has a hot face and uses it get hot boys into bed with him because he is gay and loves gay sex. When he goes to any gay bar the boys just surround him to get a piece of the hot action because his face and head are so cute.
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