Hard penis fucking ass is a pencil figure drawing showing a big cock ramming into a hot boy’s ass under a sheet. Intercourse cock has huge veins and balls.
This gay sex art post is about a hard cock fucking a boy’s ass under the bedroom sheets.

Boytoy in this post is defined as a gay boy slut or fuck buddy that performs any kind of hedonistic gay sex acts for pleasure and gratification.
Hard Penis Fucking Ass Delineated With Contour & Hatched Lines
Overall Description Of The Work Of Art
This intercourse figure drawing is a pleasure to talk about here. The figure drawing shows a massive hairy cock with large veins fucking a boy’s as because it is under the sheets.
Penis Having Intercourse
Description Penis Having Intercourse
The penis is very large with big hairy balls because this is how they are made. The veins on the penis in this intercourse drawing are very big and thick because you can see their shadows on the shaft. The cock is rock hard and fucking a hot boy’s ass under the sheets of the bed. You only see the shaft and balls of the cock. This is because the sheet is covering the glan of the penis and right side cheek of the ass. There is a lot of curly hair on the balls of this big cock for this intercourse drawing.
Delineation Penis Having Intercourse
The drawing is done with lead pencil because it offers a wide range of tones. I have outline the penis with dark contour lines because they show the outline of the figure. The sides of the shaft of the cock are the darkest lines in this intercourse rendering. The light is coming in from the left side making shade and shadows on the right side of the intercourse drawing.
I have used hatched and cross-hatched lines to make the shading in this intercourse drawing. There is a lot of nice tonal range in this drawing because of high contrast lighting. This intercourse drawing shows the gradual movement of light downward from the top of the penis to the base of the shaft. The same is the case with the hairy balls because the bottom of the balls are the darkest region in this intercourse drawing. Note that at the very base of the balls there is a small sliver of light showing in this intercourse rendering.
The veins are very think and show nice deep shadows all over the shaft of the penis because they are thick. The area on the bottom portion of the shaft is filled with large veins make wonderful shading patterns in this intercourse rendering. The area just between the balls and the base of the shaft of the penis is very dark. The brightest area of this intercourse drawing is the top of the shaft of the penis and the top of the balls. The hair on his balls are done with free-hand lines because they show the curly hairs.
Erotic Fantasy Vignette About The Penis
This hot cock will be the guest of honor at my next gay orgy. This is because it could fuck everyone at the party. After fucking everyone this man will stand up and jack off. As he jacks off he shoots loads of cum and jizz on the muscular torsos of my boytoys.
The ass is between the sheets of the bed and the hard penis that is fucking it because he is getting fucked in the ass. This intercourse drawing shows the penis penetrating the anus of the hot boy under the sheet. This is because the sheet is blocking the view of the top of the penis. The ass is firm and sweet because it is on a hot gay boy. It curves smoothly down the side of his cheek and rubs against the penis that is fucking him.
I have used contour lines to draw the outline of the ass because it is smooth. It is darkest under the shaft of the penis because the shaft is blocking the light from above. I have used a lot of hatched lines and cross-hatched lines to make the shading under the shaft and balls.
Erotic Fantasy Vignette About The Ass
This boy’s hot ass is needed at my next gay male orgy because he will be the bottom boy. When he arrives at the party we will give him alcohol so as to get him drunk. This is because he will be more fun when he is boozed up.
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