Nude male standing looking downward with chiseled torso. This naked man has a hard body, muscular 6-pack abs with firm pecs. Prints are on sale.
This page is about a gay nude male standing looking downward pen & ink drawing #192B.

Nude Male Delineated
This naked man pen & ink drawing is a delight to share with you on the Internet. He has a hard body with a muscular chest and strong arms because he works out. His thick head of hair is jet black and combed to the back making him look streamlined. His muscular torso boasts 6-pack abs with firm pecs because that makes him look sexy. The shoulder girdles are well developed because they show the connection to the arms. The Linea alba is well defined with a deep groove down the center of the torso to the pelvis.
Contour Lines
The figure in this naked man drawing was first sketched out in pencil because that gives the outline of the body. In looking closely at the drawing, you can see the pencil lines below the pen & ink. All along his figure you can see the strong contour lined making sure that the figure of the young man clear.
Hatched Lines
To give the figure a three-dimensional appearance I have used hatch lines because they offer depth of field. The hatch lines are short strokes that run in a series to make the shade. It is important to not make a lot of hatch lines or it will darken the figure and ruin the drawing. The best practice is to work with both the contour lines and the hatch lines. I usually start the hatch lines at the edge of the contour line and diminish them as I get closer to the light for this naked man drawing.
Closure For Naked Man Drawing
In closing I wanted to point out the hatching in the background of the rendering. The background is important because it can have a great impact on the look of the figure. Many drawings are done without any background which makes them vignettes. A rendering of this caliber shown here is not a vignette but a full drawing or cartoon.
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