Nude man spreading legs is a hot dude. Hard body man has a muscular torso with a chiseled six-pack set of abs with firm pecs and deltoids.
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This gay sex art post is about a gay review of “Nude Man Spreading Legs Pen & Ink Figure Drawing with Dirty Gay Sex Stories.”
Hard Body Man Delineated with Contour & Hatched Lines
Overall Description of a Nude Man Spreading Legs
This hard body man figure drawing rendering is a pleasure to write about here. The figure drawing shows a naked man with a hardon cock spreading his legs because he is modeling his big dick and hairy balls.
Torso ~ Hard Body Man
Description ~ Hard Body Man
This hard body man has a fit torso because he works out every day. He has a muscular torso with a chiseled six-pack set of abs and firm pecs with solid deltoids. His Linea alba is deep and thick which runs down from his pectoralis majors to his pelvis. The Linea semilunaris flanks both sides of his rectus abdominis and are crossed over by his tendinous intersections on this hard body boy.
Delineation ~ Hard Body Man
I have used contour lines to draw the figure of this hard body man because they show the outline of the figure. For the shade and shadows on the torso of this hard body man I have used hatched and cross-hatched lines because they show depth.
Erotic Fantasy Story Referencing the Torso
Felix is always on the prowl for hot boys on north Halsted in Chicago and so he uses the sex appeal of his muscular torso to catch hot boys. The corner of Roscoe and Halsted is his favorite spot to pick up hot gay boys because all the hot boys hang out at Roscoe gay bar on the corner in this hard body man fantasy. His muscular chest is so hot that most gay boys cannot say “no” when he shows it to them. His pecs are firm and structured to show off his male beauty.
Penis ~ Hard Body Man
The penis on this hard body boy his a hardon and very big because it is as thick as his fist. His cock is covered with a thick bush of hair and large balls. The glans at the top of his cock is very large and needs to be sucked by a hot gay boy.
I have drawn the penis of this hard body man with contour lines because they make the outline of the penis. For the shade and shadows on the penis of this hard body man I have used hatched lines.
Erotic Fantasy Story Referencing the Penis
When Felix unzips his pants brace yourself for a monster cock because it takes up all the bulge in his pants. Hot gay boys on north Halsted are on their knees to get their tongues on his hot cock. Rumors of his giant cock have spread as far as Castro Street in San Francisco.
Head And Face
The head and face of this hard body boy are manly in appearance because he works out. He has a moustache and beard that is trimmed close to his face. He has a thick head of hair that is trimmed close to his scalp. The eyes are deep set and looking right at you with his thick eyebrows. Only his left ear can be seen because his head is turned on an angle in this hard body boy drawing.
I have used contour lines to make the head and face of this hard body man because they show the outline. For the shade and shadow on the head and face of this hard body man I have used hatched and cross-hatched lines because they show depth.
Erotic Fantasy Story Referencing the Head and Face
Felix has a handsome face with sexy beard. They help him get hooked up with hot boys on Castro Street in San Francisco. He is always on the prowl for gay sex in this neighborhood. This is because there are a lot of hot boys that are looking for gay sex. The alleys are a good place to start the hunt. This is because he can get down on his knee and put his head and face into the pants of a hot boy. Felix will give him a good blow job in this hard body man fantasy.
Arms & Hands
The arms and hands of this hard body man are all over the couch because he has them stretched out as he sits up. The arms are opened along the tops of the cushions on the couch making the rendering very wide. This hard body man has his hands in a fist that show off his thumbs.
I have used contour lines to draw the arms and hands of this hard body man because they show the outline of the figure. For the shade and shadows on this hard body man I have used hatched and cross-hatched lines because they offer depth.
Erotic Fantasy Story Referencing the Arms and Hands
While Felix is giving a blow job to a hookup in the alley. He moves his arms and hands all over the ass and legs of the boy that he is sucking off. The boy getting the blow job has a bottle of vodka in his hands. He drinks the booze straight from the bottle getting drunk. Soon they will both be drunk and naked in the alley. This is cool with them because they are gay alcoholics.
Legs & Feet
The legs on this hard body man are muscular and fit because he works out. His legs are long and muscular and stretch across the picture plane. They are folded in at the knees and then come inward towards the couch. His nice feet show all the toes and hair. This hard body man has beautiful feet and toes that I would just love to lick with my tongue for hours. You can see the bottom of his right foot which is very sexy in this hard body man rendering.
I have used contour lines to make the figure of the legs and feet of this hard body man because they show the outline of the figures. For the shade and shadows of the legs and feet of this hard body man I have used hatched and cross-hatched lines because they show depth.
Erotic Fantasy Story Referencing the Legs and Feet
Felix is a sucker for feet because whenever he hooks up with a hot gay boy, he gets them drunk on vodka and then gets them naked. After they are both drunk, he starts to play with their legs and feet and then licks their toes.
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